Lenet & Grey at Chase Street Warehouse
Athens Georgia Engagement Photographer

January 3, 2015

I met Lenet when taking her Master’s graduation photos from UGA.  I’ll never forget her senior session, because she requested that only half be done on campus… and the other half be done in a Crossfit gym.  Photographing her “in her element” in the gym was so cool and definitely created unique senior portraits.  I was super happy to hear from Lenet again recently.  She’s now in basic training for the Army, and she wanted to have some fun photos taken with her boyfriend during her holiday leave.  Because of their holiday travel plans, we only really had one day to work with for the session, and it ended up being one of the coldest, wettest days Athens had seen in quite a while.  Normally, I’d reschedule to try to get some sunshine or at least dry ground, but time wasn’t a luxury we had.  Fortunately, Lenet & Grey were such troopers during their session, and we still had a blast!  You can’t even tell in the photos that it was misting the entire time or that it was so cold that my fingers were going numb. :)  We did the session at Chase Street Park for an “urban” feel.  I’m glad we were able to take these — it is always a good idea to capture photos of those you love when you have a chance.

chase street park warehouses athens

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Claire Diana
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